Dana Cowin on Giving (and Eating) Broadly

Live to Eat is back with a new episode you don’t want to miss!

Dana Cowin is a champion of women. Former Editor-in-Chief of Food & Wine, Dana has been in the food and media business for over two decades. Dana’s podcast, Speaking Broadly, is a podcast featuring women in food and their struggles and triumphs, offering inspiration for all. Giving Broadly, Dana’s website, is the perfect gift guide highlighting delicious products from women-owned brands. A coach for creatives, fan of theme parties, and long-standing supporter of farmers, Dana is a food and story crusader.

  • Tune in to find out:
  • :: Why provisioning is the secret to success in the kitchen
  • :: Where you can get the most magnificent green chai
  • :: What happens when you use a fondue pot and a hot pot base (hint: it’s magical)
  • :: The best way to learn French